Thursday, January 19, 2012

Winter has finally arrived!

I know, I know -- I've not been blogging as much as I should have. In fact, I'm going to try to make more of a habit out of blogging even if the posts are short are about the weather -- like this one!

It's not that I have nothing to say, it's that I never seem to find the time to say it. Yes, that's a terrible excuse, but hopefully my absence will make more sense to all my readers in the coming weeks. 

Anyway, those of us in the northwoods of Wisconsin have been waiting all winter for -- well, winter. It's finally arrived, at leas the temps have. Still skimpy on the snow. This morning the air temperature was -20 F, with a high of -2 F. Right now the temp is -10 F and I'm predicting a low temp. of -23 below! We'll see how accurate I actually am. It's cold but it is January in the northwoods. Of course, we still desperately need more snow so winter activities like cross country skiing, snow shoeing, and snowmobiling are possible. Right now, it's hard to find enough snow to even go sledding, but I think we may have "just enough" for that now.

So, that's it. Not my typical religious or politically centered post, but then again it is cold -- and that's sort of news worthy to those of us who care about such things.

That's all for now,

Stay warm everyone!

1 comment:

  1. hope you get a laugh out of this, but my youngest son posted that the weather change happened at the same time that all "hot" air got blown out of the Packers..... I am not a football enthusiast, also didn't know Steve was the type for sarcastic humor, but I thought it funny enough to post here. anyhow. like you articles. especially the child with downs syndrome and rome.......

