Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pro-gun advocates and their lies!

Alright, so what started out as a bit of rant on my Facebook timeline, hopefully will become something a little less -- ranty (is that even a word?) 

Since the Sandy Hook tragedy. there has been a lot of talk about gun control. It bombards the airwaves and social media. Facebook in particularly has become ground-zero for ultra-Conservative rants about Second Amendment rights. Everyone is resorting to name calling and finger pointing to "prove" that they are good Americans, while everyone else is in league with the devil. And I say, God bless them all. We live in a free country, where we have freedom of speech and are allowed to voice ANY opinion on ANY topic, and I will do what I can to defend that right -- not only for myself, but for everyone else too. However, for the past month, much of the name calling and finger pointing has one major flaw: it's nothing but a pack of lies.

Once and for all, let's get one thing straight: President Obama, the Obama Administration, The Democratic Party, and all of those evil, leftist liberals out there, are not calling for a U.S. firearms ban. Yet if one checks out Conservative Talk Radio and social media, one will find that Conservatives are, quite literally, up in arms about the government's plan to take away everyone's guns. Even Fox News political analyst Juan Williams has pointed out that, "Nothing in President Obama’s rhetoric or his record supports the right wing’s claim that he wants to confiscate the guns of law abiding Americans.  This is a paranoid delusion manufactured out of whole cloth by the National Rifle Association and the even more extreme group, Gun Owners of America. Unfortunately, this toxic nonsense has now seeped into the mainstream of conservative thought."

Got that? President Obama, and the Obama Administration has never said a word about "banning firearms" or coming to take away everyone's guns. What they calling for is a ban on military styled assault weapons. That's it! That's the extent of this supposed plan to take us down the road to some Hunger Games styled Dystopian society. In other words, like a good Democrat, Obama wants a return to the Clinton years. 

 Now, if you want to argue that you, as an American citizen, have the right to own guns that are designed to blow the locks off of doors or splatter someone's brains across the landscape from 300 yards -- fine, do that. In fact, I will defend your right to make that argument. But folks, please stop lying about the conversation that is currently taking place in our nation. No one wants to prevent you from hunting, target shooting, or defending your family from Freddy Kruger when he comes for you in the middle of the night. What the Obama Administration wants to do is prevent people from having weapons that are designed for the sole purpose of killing another human being.

You may disagree with that goal -- and that's perfectly fine. But do yourself -- and your karma -- a huge favor and stop LYING about what it is advocates of gun control are actually proposing. Lying about what others say, in order to get what you want, is not only immoral and selfish, but it is dangerous. It's dangerous because the more you lie now, the less likely it is that people will believe you if and when the wolves actually do come to our doorsteps.

1 comment:

  1. Delusion is to think that what happens today will not have repercussions tomorrow. The current government may not ban all guns, and it will not likely become tyrannical, but if you accept their "you do not need that" argument, others will certainly follow eroding every right, every liberty.
    It's like leaving the door open at night because your neighbor is your friend
