Thursday, May 3, 2012

Overcoming writer's block

I've just recently discovered a writing podcast called writing excuses. One of the hosts is fantasy author Brandon Sanderson. For those who don't know, Sanderson is the guy who is concluding the late Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. (Jordan passed away before concluding the series.) In other words, Sanderson is a big deal in the fantasy world.

The podcast is limited to roughly 15 minutes each and so far, I have to say that I LOVE it. I'm going through the season one podcasts at the moment. It is fun, witty, and very educational. You also get the impression that Sanderson and Co. are "regular joes" who really do want to help other people become successful writers.

Probably the most important piece of information from season one that I've gotten is how to overcome writer's block! This is the "big" question for anyone who ever writes -- whether for fun, for art, for work, for both or none of the above. Writer's block is the 900 pound gorilla in the room which we don't know how to get rid of. What is the advice that the hosts of Writing Excuses gives? BICHOK!!!!!!!!!!!

What the does THAT mean?

It means "Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard!"

In other words it means that if you have writer's block then you should WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So guess what -- I am taking their advice!

I don't always know what to write on this blog -- call it writer's block, call it whatever, but it ends today! I'm going to begin blogging at least twice a week. They may not always be "profound" articles they may not even be interesting to anyone but me -- but I'm going to write! After all, who am I to disagree with the likes of Brandon Sanderson who is managing to conclude the Wheel of Time series in a way which seems to make most Robert Jordan fans happy.

Is this profound? Probably not -- but then, I'm not that smart! (listen to the podcast and you'll get the joke!)

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